
The H4H Program, the low-risk study arm, is currently on hold

Become a volunteer in the low-risk study arm


…and stay with us. Your long-term commitment is essential to create a healthier future together.

Participation in the study is entirely voluntary. If you are interested, feel well, and are over 40 years of age, please visit us at one of our centers.

Step 1

Visit us at one of our centers

Find the closest center to you and schedule an appointment.

Step 2

Sign the documents

You will be given an information sheet explaining the study in detail, the medical staff will answer your questions, and ask you to sign the necessary documents and complete a questionnaire.

Step 3

Blood sampling

We will ask you to donate 14-29 ml of blood.

Step +1

Do not forget your next appointment

The next appointment is in 4-12 months.


Where you can join

We want to bring the H4H Program close to as many people as possible; therefore, we work closely with several medical centers to collect blood samples, where professionally trained medical staff help you during the process. The list of institutions is constantly expanding in Hungary.

There is no active center in the given city/zip code. Click on the X to see a complete list of institutions, from which you can select the one closest to you.
Qualiclinic Kft. 1036 Budapest, Dereglye u. 5/B. 1/3.
Contact: Phone: 06 80 496050

Route Planning
Railway Health Nonprofit Public Health Ltd. Miskolc 3527 Miskolc, Bajcsy Zsilinszky street 45. III. floor
University of Debrecen Clinical Research Center 4032 Debrecen, Egyetem square 1.
Trial Pharma Kft. Nyíregyháza 4400 Nyíregyháza, Lázár Károly street 1.
Trial Pharma Kft. Békéscsaba 5600 Békéscsaba, József Attila street 3-9.
Contact: Phone: +36203982923

Route Planning
Trial Pharma Kft. Gyula 5700 Gyula, Csiga street 6.
Contact: Phone: +36208244122

Route Planning
Trial Pharma Kft. Orosháza 5900 Orosháza, Kígyó street 24.
Contact: Phone: +36705624224

Route Planning
Trial Pharma Kft. Szeged 6726 Szeged, Thököly road 41.
University of Pécs Clinical Research Center, Centre for Occupational health and Hygiene 7624 Pécs, Nyár street 8.
Contact: Phone: +36306081393

Route Planning
Doktor Plusz Private Health Care Center Vita Verum Medical Bt. 8000 Székesfehérvár, Fiskális road 43.
Trial Pharma Kft. Sopron 9400 Sopron, Lackner Kristóf street 27.
Derma-B Kft. 4031 Debrecen, Gyepüsor street 3.
UNO MEDICAL TRIALS Kft. 1152 Budapest, Vécsey Károly street 39.
Semmelweis Egyetem Klinikai Központ, Foglalkozás-egészségügyi Szolgálat (Szent Rókus Klinikai Tömb) 1085 Budapest, Stáhly street 7-9.
Railway Health Nonprofit Public Health Ltd. 6726 Szeged, Csanádi street 34./a

You can help with our goal

Join us and stay with us. Your long-term commitment is essential so we can create a healthier future together.

You can play an active role in the development of minimally invasive, rapid monitoring of human health

You can facilitate to advance of the frontier of medicine

You can help with the earliest possible detection of diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and type-2 diabetes

You can help move towards a preventive medical approach and personalized healthcare

What you can get

Monitor your healthYou can monitor your health, as we will assess your laboratory blood count free of charge whenever you provide a blood sample.

Cash rewardYou will be reimbursed with a fee of 3000 Ft for the first donation, and for each subsequent visit, the reimbursement will be even higher - increased by 1000 Ft each occasion.


What happens to my blood samples and personal data
Samples are stored at a scientific biorepository until they are sent for analysis as part of our research program.
Samples and their associated clinical data are collected and stored in a database as part of standardized workflows, in an established quality assurance system, in compliance with data protection rules, per GDPR provisions.
Molecular fingerprints are evaluated using machine learning algorithms.
Blood sample data are handled and stored anonymously, without any connection to personal data.

Frequently asked questions

If you didn’t find the answer you were looking for, check out the rest of the FAQ page

How can I participate in the H4H Program?
An essential part of the research is the collection of blood samples from healthy individuals voluntarily to establish the reference range of the data measured by our new approach (involving laser technology) to describe differences between individuals as well as changes within an individual over time. Currently, the high-risk arm is under recruitment. Therefore, we will be pleased if you donate blood samples over a few years for our study. This way, we will be able to examine the health changes within a person. You can donate blood at one of our collaborating institutions. Please find the list of these institutions under the Become a volunteer menu on a map. Inclusion into the low-risk study arm of the H4H Program is on hold.
What should I do if I want to participate in the H4H Program?
If you are considering joining our study and have further questions, please contact us at +36 30 016 7102 (M-F: 9-17h) or via email: info@h4h.hu or select one of our collaborating institutions closest to you from the list that you find under the Become a volunteer menu on a map. Once you have chosen the institution, please get in touch with them, and they will give you further information about the research and arrange an appointment when you can come in and donate blood. Please note that we are currently seeking voluntary blood donors for the high-risk study arm; the inclusion into the low-risk study arm of the H4H Program is on hold.
What should I do if there is no collaborating institution near me?
We are constantly working on expanding our network of collaborating institutions to bring the H4H Program close to as many individuals as possible. If you are unable to travel to any of our current collaborating institutions, please check our website in a couple of months as we might have new institutions by then that are closer to you.
Where can I donate blood for the H4H Program?
You can donate blood for the program at one of our collaborating institutions. Please find the list of these institutions under the Become a volunteer menu on a map.


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