About us


Center for Molecular Fingerprinting (CMF), led by the 2023 Nobel Laureate in Physics Prof. Dr. Ferenc Krausz, is an interdisciplinary, nonprofit research institution. We are an international team of medical doctors, nurses, laser scientists, molecular biologists, engineers, and data analysts who came together driven by a common goal: moving the frontiers of health monitoring and probing human health. Our mission is driven by the vision of a reliable, cost-effective approach to safeguard the health of whole populations and develop new ways for the earliest possible detection of diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

CMF pursues the development, testing, and validation of ultrashort laser-based molecular fingerprinting as a new technological platform for blood-based diagnostics. The application of new technologies is based on large-scale studies in cooperation with healthcare institutions in Hungary and abroad.

H4H program

The H4H (Health for Hungary - Hungary for Health) Program is part of a novel research program where we collect blood samples from an estimated fifteen thousand volunteers over 10 years. Our goal is to develop and verify a new way of capturing human health – an approach called Infrared Molecular Fingerprinting.

We aim to establish a way to analyze human blood plasma with newly developed laser-based technology, characterize and monitor health, and detect early signs of possibly developing diseases. Individuals will be followed over time to be able to measure and monitor the onset of possible diseases sensitively, and personalized differences will be measured.

Once our approach is verified, the H4H Program can contribute to creating a reliable health monitoring system that will improve the quality of life for all of us.

Our method: Infrared molecular fingerprinting

Maximizing the impact of different scientific fields - laser physics, medicine, molecular biology, and machine learning algorithms – we have developed a new approach based on Infrared Molecular Fingerprinting.

Health state changes in the body cause characteristic changes in the molecular composition of human blood. Infrared Molecular Fingerprinting is an in vitro diagnostic method based on pulsed laser technology. A drop of blood plasma is exposed to ultrashort laser light, and the light waves emitted by the excited molecules of the sample are directly detected with femtosecond-attosecond laser techniques. Electric-field molecular fingerprinting (EMF) has the potential to capture even minor differences in the molecular composition of human blood, therefore indicating changes in one’s health state. 

Personalized healthcare

We believe that providing personalized healthcare to each person’s unique biology and identifying diseases before the symptoms arise is the future. Our research could make the current healthcare system more effective and improve the quality of preventive medicine, with the possibility of safeguarding our health in the future.


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